
If you’re a music lover, you’ll know, when it comes to listening to your favourite song while driving, “it’s all about the bass” – so let’s talk music streaming quality.

A good sound system has quality Car Speakers, brings the “woof” into your Woofer and Amplifiers that literally amp up the sound.

What is a Woofer?

A woofer is a speaker that focuses on the low-end of the audible spectrum, with a narrow frequency. The word “WOOFER” comes from the sound a dog makes when barking with a deep bark. A woofer allows for that bass sound we all enjoy, and it also has another benefit, when it comes to speakers. Depending on the design, a speaker may have a smaller voice coil, and therefore less thermal capacity. This often results in overheating and failing. Budget cars often have inexpensive sound systems and drivers may find, especially if the vehicle is eight or more years old, that occasionally their sound system just cuts out. This can be for several reasons but is also likely due to the voice coil thermal capacity.

This issue can be resolved with a woofer, because the high-pass crossover point is raised to reduce the amount of power sent to the speaker. At Reverse Safe, we have an extensive range of woofers, suitable for most make and models. Whether you’re looking to enhance or upgrade, we’ve got you covered.

What does a Sub-Woofer do?

As the name suggests, a sub-woofer is a subsidiary to a woofer. The best way to explain the difference between a woofer and a sub-woofer is to describe a woofer as a type of speaker that hits a low frequency, thus improving the sound and quality of sound, while a sub-woofer does the same thing, but on an even narrower frequency.

While a woofer covers a frequency range of 20Hz to 2Hz, a subwoofer focuses on the very narrow range of 20Hz to 200Hz. By focusing on this narrow spectrum, a sub-woofer creates a fuller, deeper, sound. The downside is, as this range is so narrow, any unit that has a sub-woofer, will need other speakers that can cover the other frequencies.

Which is better? Depends on your needs, budget, and your love of bass 😉

When looking to upgrade your sound system, our Team of trained professionals is here to help. We can look at your needs, your make and model of vehicle, and your budget, and assess what would work best for you. We hold all the top brands, which means, we have a sound system suitable for most cars. You can contact us anytime – we’re here to help, & don’t forget to follow us on Facebook 😊