
Front & Rear Parking Sensors

I think it’s fair to say, one of the hardest skills for drivers to learn is effective parking. And this anxiety often remains with even experienced drivers, especially when driving an unfamiliar car, or when attempting to reverse or parallel park.

But now, almost all new vehicles come with parking sensors, thus reducing the possibly of accidently scraping your vehicle on a curb, or against another car – and reducing anxiety greatly.

And this inexpensive technology is also available to most non-factory fitted vehicles.

Consisting of front and rear, these sensors are commonly placed at the either the front, or rear bumper of the vehicle, and in many cases, both front and rear.

Front Sensors: prevent parking scrapes & bumps and help the Driver to detect obstacles (raised curb/child’s scooter etc.) that may be out of the Drivers site of vision, from the front.

Rear Sensors: prevent parking scrapes & bumps and help the Driver to detect obstacles (shopping trolley etc.) that may be out of the Drivers site of vision and have been shown to reduce reversing accidents by 15% or more.

Purchasing, and installing is made a simple task when you contact one of our Team for guidance and advice. The investment is a small one compared to the cost of repairs to the vehicle, the loss of value on your car, and post importantly the safety and security of knowing you are making you, and your family, safer.

Call our Team on 1300 987 355, or contact us to discuss installing or upgrading your front and rear parking sensors today