
BMW F30 3 Series – iDrive NBT ID4 Apple CarPlay & Android Auto Integration kit

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Additional Accessories

This product is only compatible with NBT iDrive.

And as there are quite few variants of iDrive NBT / EVO mixed, best to contact us with a photo of the NAV Version like above, along with the VIN of your car.

Then we will be able to confirm compatibility.

REFERENCE VIDEOS – All from previous installations

Smartphone Mirroring Integration – ‘MirrorLink / AirPlay’

Separate function of smartphone mirroring – outside of CarPlay or Android Auto.

Mirrors your phone and every action / app you control through the phone, will show up on the display as well.

If you need to use the app that is not supported by CarPlay nor Android Auto , Mirroring is recommended function to be used.

Note* – As the CarPlay or Android Auto will provide more solid performance with GPS via Google / Apple Map or Waze

We’d recommend using MirrorLink / AirPlay for media / entertainment wise,

Call 1300 987 355 for an installation quote ( during business hours ) or use the contact form below.

  • Your Vehicle Details:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.