
[2021-2023 Nissan Y62 PATROL / ARMADA Series 5 – Apple CarPlay & Android Auto Integration

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Product Details

Android Auto & Apple CarPlay Integration for


Nissan Y62 Series 5 PATROL / WA60 ARMADA (US)

from 2021 to 2023 (MY23)

those WITH APPS Button below the display.

Compatible with every trim models

Uses BACK button to switch display mode between Factory Radio / Android Auto & Apple CarPlay.

For Patrol / Armada Series 5 from 2020 to 2021 – the lat year model of Y62

MY20 – MY20.5/21 models may have a different display unit that require to be checked.

As there’s no way that we can check it via VIN or design difference of It, You will need to open the display unit and check the components inside.

Without above procedure we can’t confirm the compatibility and may pause the ordre process till It’s confirmed

Reference video of same system integrated on Nissan Patrol Y62

It comes with an USB input integration kit (Shape may differ to each vehicle / product)

Meaning that the connection will be done through the standalone USB port , not through the original port in the car.

An USB to AUX adapter comes with the kit, to plugged between car’s USB Media input &

our product’s AUX / RCA Audio out, not the phone itself.

Selecting audio to USB (will show as ‘USBAUXMEDIA’) source from MEDIA window, will allow sound to come through

NissanSound system. (might have some back ground noise on high volume)

Issue with the AUX / Bluetooth of Nissan and our CarPlay / Android Auto products:

Call 1300 987 355 for an installation quote ( during business hours ) or use the contact form below.

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